Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hook Handles and Hubby Love

So I've been trying my hand at making polymer-clay polka-dot crochet hook handles.  I started by getting some basic uncolored clay at Wal-Mart so I could see if I would take to crocheting with a handled hook.  I did.  Loves it!  So then I traveled thirty miles to the closest craft store and bought some red glitter Sculpey clay and some white for the dots.

I made two hooks and they turned out great (well, better than I expected them to, anyway!)

My problem is that after I used one of the hooks for several hours, I noticed it had sort of dulled and the glitter had faded a bit.  And my dots are a little raised from the red.  I would need gloss.

So off to Hobby Lobby I went.  The gloss apparently has to dry for twenty-four hours.  I asked my husband to make me something to hold the hooks while drying.  He bought some boards from Home Depot and screwed them together and then drilled holes big enough for hook heads.

Now I just need to work on consistency.  Some of these are better than others.  The green ones are fat and short.  I don't know.  The raised dots are bugging me, I can't figure out how to do them flat.  Oh well, they're still cute and functional! :)

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